Job searching is tough in the best of times. We know that.

But we also know that you have what it takes to find a job.

Your training and preparation will pay off, and we'll be there every step of the way to support you and give you job-search ideas, mentor connections, document preparation advice, career consultation and encouragement. We're also tracking available entry-level jobs for you, so be sure to check MCO often. Beginning in August you'll receive a biweekly eNewsletter that contains all of the above and more.

Keep in Touch

Keep in touch, and let us know how we can support you.

Build Your Network

  • LinkedIn — Follow these guidelines (pdf) to create a strong LinkedIn summary and upload your resume.
  • Be a joiner — Join bar associations. Participate in community groups. Volunteer.
  • Job Fairs — Many of the legal career job fairs around the country welcome recent law school graduates.
  • Alumni Events — McGeorge posts alumni events.
  • McGeorge ConnectStay connected with this online social network exclusively for McGeorge Alumni.

Dot Your I's. Cross Your T's.


Career Services Office
Email | 916.739.7011