I. Name

The name of this body is the McGeorge School of Law Diversity Board.

II. Purpose

The Diversity Board supports the McGeorge School of Law by working with the Dean in providing direct support to students of color and students from the LGBTQ+ community and by supporting the law school’s Center for Inclusion and Diversity. The Diversity Board also assists with the recruitment of students, faculty, and staff of color and from the LGBTQ+ community. Finally, the Board consults with the Dean on: changes to the curriculum and programming, the long-term vision for the Center for Inclusion and Diversity, and the development of recruitment strategies aimed at diversifying the law school’s students, faculty, and staff. Diversity Board members will work on three or four projects each year in the above areas.

III. Membership

A. Size and Composition

The Diversity Board shall be comprised of alumni and friends of McGeorge. The membership will reflect a diversity of perspectives, professional experience, and geographic locations. The membership shall be no fewer than 20 individuals, and no more than 25 individuals.

B. Term

Members will serve for three years. Upon agreement of the Dean and the member, a member may serve an additional two three-year terms.

C. Selection of New Members

Potential members will be suggested by the current membership to the Dean, and the Dean will solicit the potential member. Each member will serve a renewable three-year term.

IV. Meetings

The Diversity Board will meet at least twice annually. Members are asked to attend both meetings in person, although there will be options for participating remotely. There will be no formal rules for the meetings and no formal votes. The Diversity Board will operate collaboratively and seek to build consensus. At each meeting, the Diversity Board will review its current projects, note the progress toward meeting them, and, working with the Dean, formulate additional strategic initiatives.

V. Chair

The Dean will be the first chair of the Board, and he will serve a one-year term as chair. Thereafter, the Dean will select a chair with the advice and consent of the Board. The Chair may serve an extra term as approved by the membership.

VI. Committees

The Board will work primarily through committees. Each member is expected to serve on at least one committee. Initially, there will be three committees:

A. Curriculum and Programming Committee.

This committee will focus on assessing and providing input into the law school’s curriculum and
programming focused on diversity and inclusion.

B. Center for Inclusion and Diversity / Student Support Committee.

This committee will focus on supporting the Center and our students.

C. Recruitment Committee.

This committee will focus on assisting the law school with recruiting diverse students, faculty, and staff.